Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
News & Rules....
As I hear about events in our area I will post about them and I am asking anyone in the thumb area to help me keep everything posted. If you know about a news event, or even just an announcement like 'so and so had a baby....' or 'I'm having a rummage sale..' WHATEVER! :0)
I just ask that you keep it clean and try to stick more with the positive. I do not want this to be abused by people attempting to tell embarrassing stories about everyone. Now, if you want to tell a dirty story about so and so tripped and fell face first in a mud puddle right in front of everyone at the local fairgrounds then that would be ok as it is actually 'clean' humor and said in fun. If you are attempting to tell stories out of meanness to hurt someone then you risk losing your ability to post on this blog.
Ok, now that you have read the 'rules' go ahead, leave a comment and post about local happenings! :0)
Copyright 2008 M. & J. Oaks